Le personnel des Programmes de soutien du personnel (PSP) de la 12e Escadre Shearwater a eu une année 2023 extrêmement occupée jusqu'à présent, accueillant des tournois à tous les niveaux de compétition des Forces armées canadiennes, offrant constamment de nouveaux programmes de loisirs bien accueillis et maintenant le gymnase de l'escadre au niveau attendu par les membres des FAC [...]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
HMCS Oriole’s PO2 Gabriel Lau creates big flavours in small spaces
HMCS Oriole’s PO2 Gabriel Lau creates big flavours in small spaces By SLt Wilson Ho, HMCS Oriole Making a hearty and nutritious meal at home can be difficult at times, but preparing and cooking meals at sea is a whole other challenge! Working in a galley that can only fit […]
Les navires de patrouille extracôtiers et de l’Arctique : un atout précieux pour protéger les eaux septentrionales du Canada
The Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessel: a valuable asset in protecting Canada’s Northern waters By RCN In Canada’s North, Arctic Offshore and Patrol Vessels (AOPVs) provide increasing value to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and our nation. The vessels provide the opportunity for our navy to become familiar with the […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : Il y aura des mauvaises herbes
Padre’s Corner: There will be weeds By Lt(N) Clarke Dixon, BTL Chaplain, MARLANT & JTFA She could not get back into the boat. Nor could I get her back in. Since it is not polite to speak about someone else’s weight, let’s just say I was not very strong in […]
Le NCSM Oriole de retour à Halifax après le déploiement sur les Grands Lacs
The Royal Canadian Navy’s tall ship and oldest commissioned vessel, HMCS Oriole, sailed back into Halifax harbour on October 3 after three months at sea as part of the 2023 Great Lakes Deployment. The trip saw Oriole and her crew welcome more than 10,000 visitors to the ship over 14 […]
Leadership numérique de la MRC : La Capc Dawn Macdonald
RCN Digital Leadership series: LCdr Dawn Macdonald By Naval Personnel and Training Group In this series, we showcase digital leadership across the RCN to illustrate how our enterprise solutions are successfully leveraged for the benefit of our teams. Dawn Macdonald was born in Lethbridge, A.B. and raised in Fort St […]
Les citrouilles et l'envie
Pumpkins, and feeling the Envy By the Health Promotion Team Your unit is being challenged! Should you accept this invitation, you will participate in a pumpkin carving contest on October 11 at the Harvest Health Fair, being held at Stadacona building S120. Teams of two representing your unit will have […]
Les vétérans apportent des décennies d'expérience de la FAC et de camaraderie au gymnase de l'arsenal
Veterans bring decades of CAF experience, camaraderie to Dockyard gym By Ryan Melanson, Trident staff Chief Warrant Officer (Retired) Bob Thompson is no longer leading the next generation of Canadian Armed Forces personnel, but says he loves “keeping tabs” on them a few nights a week while working the front […]
Journée de volley-ball à la 12e Escadre Shearwater
Le 15 septembre, le volley-ball était à l'honneur à la 12e Escadre Shearwater. Des unités de toute l'escadre se sont réunies au centre de conditionnement physique et de sports pour une compétition amicale. Le commandant du 12e Escadron de soutien aux opérations, le Lcol Paul Malone, a donné le coup d'envoi avec un service d'ouverture cérémoniel, et un tournoi à l'échelle de l'escadre s'est déroulé tout [...]
2e tournoi annuel de balle lente « Hero Classic »
Running the basepaths together: 2nd Annual Hero Classic Slo-Pitch Tournament By S1 Natassia Lei It is a well-held aphorism that a rising tide raises all ships. This proved true on the morning of September 23rd at the Canadian Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia. As slow tide rolled into […]