Honouring the past, inspiring the future: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women By Kim Roberge Civilian Co Chair, DWAO As Canada prepares to observe the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6, 2024, we find ourselves in a poignant moment […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Chronique de l'aumônier : Êtes-vous prêts pour les fêtes ?
Padre’s Corner: Are you Ready Aye Ready for the holidays? By LCdr David Jackson, Senior Fleet Chaplain, Canadian Fleet Atlantic Are you Ready Aye ready for the holidays? Believe it or not, we’re only a few weeks away! For many Canadians the holiday season is an important time of year. […]
Volume 58, Issue 24, November 25, 2024
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Participation de membres de l’Équipe de la Défense locale à une Journée d’entraide avec l’organisme Habitat pour l’humanité
Local Defence Team Members participate in a Day of Caring with Habitat for Humanity Nova Scotia By Kathryn Gatien, CFB Halifax Public Affairs On October 9, local Defence Team members joined forces for a United Way Maritimes (previously United Way Halifax) Day of Caring activity to support Habitat for Humanity […]
Le marin du trimestre est honoré pour son leadership face à l'adversité et à la tragédie
Sailor of the Quarter lauded for leadership in face of adversity and tragedy By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Master Sailor (MS) Caleb Moody knows His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret Brooke like few others could. He’s one of a few remaining original crew members, as well as being the ship’s […]
Rencontrez le Matc Stéphane Guay, C.D., célébration d’une carrière impressionnante de 43 ans (et ce n’est pas fini) !
Meet MS Stéphane Guay, CD, celebrating an impressive 43-year career (and counting)! By Lt(N) Jonathan Lacasse It’s been several years since we last met, and that’s the kind of thing that happens a lot in the lives of sailors. We forge bonds through being a crew and over time, […]
Processus de soumission de demande pour la subvention pour les femmes dans le sport des FAC maintenant en cours
CAF Women in Sports Grant: Applications now open By CFMWS The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Women in Sports has recently transitioned their initiative into the CAF Women in Sports Program. This program is designed to address and reduce the obstacles and challenges that have historically impeded women’s full and equal […]
La base marque la Journée du souvenir trans
Le 20 novembre, Le drapeau de la fierté transgenre a été hissé pendant la cérémonie du matin au Quartier général de la BFC Halifax (Bâtiment S-90) et à l’entrée principale de la 12e Escadre, pour souligner la Journée du souvenir trans. L’occasion de la Journée du souvenir trans, nous nous souvenons des personnes qui ont perdu la vie en raison de la violence transphobe, nous réfléchissons aux difficultés auxquelles sont confrontées les personnes transgenres et [...]
Les plongeurs de la Marine poursuivent leurs efforts de collecte de fonds pour les Christmas Daddies après une course de 50 km
Navy Divers keep up Christmas Daddies fundraising efforts following 50K run By Trident Staff While runners from Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) (FDU(A)) completed the annual Navy Divers 50K Run earlier this month, their 2024 campaign in support of the Christmas Daddies telethon is far from over. This year’s Christmas Daddies, […]
L'importance des 16 jours d’activisme contre la violence fondée sur le sexe au Canada
The importance of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence in Canada By Kim Roberge Civilian Co Chair, DWAO As Canada approaches the conclusion of 2024, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) takes on added significance as a beacon of hope and collective action in the ongoing […]