Future Protecteur-class Joint Support Ships provide vital capability By RCN The longest ship ever built in Canada, at close to 174 metres in length, the future Protecteur-class Joint Support Ships (JSS) will provide core replenishment, limited sealift capabilities and support to operations ashore for the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). The […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
En souvenir de Rob Sneath à l'occasion de la Journée du #27
Remembering Rob Sneath on #27 Day By Trident Staff When Sergeant (Retired) Rob Sneath died in 2017 after a battle with melanoma, the CFB Halifax and 12 Wing Shearwater communities lost a friend, colleague, and one of the best hockey players to ever wear a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) uniform. […]
Services des Fêtes à la BFC Halifax
Holiday services at CFB Halifax By Trident Staff The chaplains of CFB Halifax have invited all members of the local defence community to join them for the annual Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols, to be held at St. Brendan’s Chapel at Stadacona on December 3, beginning at 2 p.m. […]
Annonce d'un nouveau centre d'entraînement pour la BFC Halifax
New training facility announced for CFB Halifax By Trident Staff A new $188 million training facility is set to be built at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax to help train Canadian sailors to crew the Royal Canadian Navy’s future fleet. Minister of National Defence Bill Blair announced plans for the […]
Le Programme des sentinelles du jour du Souvenir a été élargi considérablement à l’occasion de sa 25e année d’existence
Remembrance Day Sentry Program marks 25th year with major expansion By DND This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Remembrance Day Sentry Program, which publicly recognizes outstanding Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members from both the Regular Force and the Reserve Force, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), for […]
La communauté des plongeurs s'unit pour soutenir les Christmas Daddies
Diving community comes together to support Christmas Daddies By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The holiday season hasn’t quite kicked off yet, but personnel at Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) (FDU(A)) are getting in the spirit early as they prepare for the unit’s 41st annual fundraising campaign in support of the Christmas […]
La MRC fière: Le Maître de 2e classe (retraité) Luc Brisson
RCN Proud: Petty Officer 2nd Class (Retired) Luc Brisson By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum Luc Brisson was born on August 7th, 1958 in Chicoutimi, Quebec. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy on May 1st, 1979. Luc took his training in St. Jean, Quebec, and HMCS Stadacona in Halifax. […]
Les NCSM Summerside et Shawinigan rentrent au pays après un déploiement de quatre mois dans le cadre de l'opération Reassurance
Le 5 novembre, les navires canadiens de Sa Majesté (NCSM) Summerside et Shawinigan sont arrivés à Halifax après une mission de quatre mois de chasse et d'élimination des mines au sein du 1er Groupe permanent de lutte contre les mines de l'OTAN. Déployés dans le cadre de l'opération Réassurance, les navires ont principalement opéré en mer Baltique et ont participé [...]
Cape Scott se souvient de ses collègues lors du tournoi annuel de balle molle
Cape Scott remembers colleagues at annual Softball tournament By Gabrielle Brunette, Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott The Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott (FMFCS) Softball Tournament was created 16 years ago out of a strong desire to bring people in the workplace together – today, it has become a means to […]
Le NCSM Moncton part pour un déploiement de six semaines dans le cadre de l'opération Caribbe
HMCS Moncton departs for six-week Op Caribbe deployment By Trident Staff His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Moncton has embarked on a six-week deployment on Operation Caribbe, setting sail from Halifax on October 24. Op Caribbe is Canada’s contribution to the American-led Enhanced Counternarcotics Operations under Joint Interagency Task Force South, […]