Members from CFB Halifax’s Base Logistics branch were at Ward 5 Neighborhood Centre to assist with the annual Ward 5 Easter Dinner on April 18. Bravo Zulu to Ward 5 and all volunteers involved in this wonderful community event.
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Volume 52, Issue 09, May 06, 2019
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On Guard 2019
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Padre’s Corner
When prayer is difficult By Capt (Padre) PJ Vere, Fleet Chaplain, Canadian Fleet Atlantic Sometimes prayer is difficult. This is true for everyone who believes in God—regardless of religion or level of devotion practiced. Even as a chaplain I struggle to focus while praying. Just making time for prayer is […]
Royal Canadian Navy warships make PHOENIX EXPRESS debut By Lt(N) Jeff Lura, PAO, Op PROJECTION West Africa On March 29, 2019, the 15th edition of PHOENIX EXPRESS officially began in Casablanca, Morocco. Following a formal opening ceremony, ships and personnel from Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, and other participating nations departed for […]
Free talk to focus on HMCS Trentonian
The last corvette lost in the Battle of the Atlantic By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When naval historian and author Roger Litwiller began researching for his first book, with a plan to highlight RCN ships named after communities along Ontario’s Bay of Quinte, he found that most accounts of the […]
HMCS Regina drug bust
HMCS Regina makes her first drug bust during OP ARTEMIS By Lt(N) Rob Davenport, Weapons Officer On April 7, 2019, HMCS Regina boarded an unregistered dhow (local fishing vessel) in the Arabian Sea sailing on the Hash Highway – a known smuggling route in the Indian Ocean. The boarding led […]
HMCS Regina departs Seychelles
HMCS Regina departs Seychelles By SLt Jonathan Fields, BWK (UT), HMCS Regina After a short visit to Victoria, Seychelles, HMCS Regina is in all aspects ready for the challenges ahead. While at anchor just outside of Port Victoria, the ship was joined by key personnel from Canadian-led CTF 150 and […]
Working with allies in the Black Sea
NATO allies move into formation beside HMCS Toronto in preparation for a gun exercise in the Black Sea during NATO Exercise SEA SHIELD on April 8, 2019.
Aldershot hosts regional powerlifting
Regional powerlifting first Aldershot-hosted CAF competition By Sara White, Managing Editor, The Aurora Heavy weights didn’t put off 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown Detachment Aldershot from hosting its first ever CAF regional sports championship. From April 1 to 3, the base staged the Atlantic Regional powerlifting competition. “Welcome to […]