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Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Chronique de l'aumônier : Gérer la « chaleur » de l'été
Padre’s Corner: Managing the “heat” in summer By Padre Lt(N) Graeme Carruth, Chaplain, BAdm Over the last several weeks we’ve been treated (subjected?) to the heat of summer. For many, it has been a challenge to find ways to stay cool. Thankfully, even if we don’t have air conditioning, we […]
La nouvelle commandante de la base souligne les liens communautaires de la BFC Halifax
New Base Commander highlights CFB Halifax’s community ties By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Military and civilian leaders gathered for a sunny ceremony outside the Naval Museum of Halifax to welcome the new commanding officer of Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax and pay tribute to her predecessor. Captain(N) (Capt(N)) Annick Fortin […]
Le NCSM Charlottetown et le SNMG2 concluent leurs interactions avec le Groupe de préparation amphibie Wasp
HMCS Charlottetown and SNMG2 conclude interactions with Wasp Amphibious Ready Group By NATO Allied Maritime Command His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown, Flagship of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2), was escort to the Wasp Amphibious Ready Group (ARG), made up of United States Ship (USS) Wasp, USS New York, […]
La Gén Jennie Carignan nommé nouveau CEMD
La générale Jennie Carignan (à gauche), la Gouverneure générale et Commandante en chef Mary Simon (au milieu) et le général Wayne Eyre (à droite) signent les certificats lors de la cérémonie de passation de commandement du chef d'état-major de la Défense (CEMD) au Musée canadien de la guerre, à Ottawa, le 18 juillet. La nouvelle CEMD, la Gén Carignan, a reçu la Médaille du service [...]
Un nouveau colonel honoraire nommé à la 12e Escadre
An investiture ceremony on July 12 saw 12 Wing Shearwater welcome its newest Honorary Colonel to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) family. Honorary Colonel (HCol) Joyce Carter was appointed to the new role by Colonel (Col) David Holmes, 12 Wing Commander. HCol Carter is the President and CEO of […]
Le NCSM Charlottetown accueille des alliés à Istanbul
Le NCSM Charlottetown a terminé le mois de juillet par une visite portuaire prévue à Istanbul, en Turquie, aux côtés du navire de la marine turque TCG Gaziantep. Pendant cette visite, le commandant du 2e Groupe maritime permanent OTAN (SNMG2), le commodore canadien Matthew Coates, a rencontré le contre-amiral Rafet Oktar, commandant du champ maritime nord de la marine turque [...]
Les Mariners de Halifax remportent l'or en hockey-balle après une finale âprement disputée
Halifax Mariners win ball hockey gold after hard-fought final By Trident Staff A gold-medal game between local rivals provided an exciting finish to the 2024 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Atlantic Region Ball Hockey Championship on July 12, with the CFB Halifax Mariners taking a 4-3 overtime win against the 12 […]
De merveilleuses retrouvailles au retour du NCSM Summerside de l'opération Caribbe
“Wonderful” reunions as HMCS Summerside returns from Operation Caribbe By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Dozens of friends and family bearing colourful homemade signs gave a warm welcome to the returning sailors of HMCS Summerside at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard on the morning of July 19. They greeted loved ones returning […]
Le Canada lance un processus visant à acquérir jusqu’à 12 sous‑marins à propulsion classique
Canada launching process to acquire up to 12 conventionally-powered submarines By DND Canada is the country with the largest coastline in the world – an underwater surveillance capability is crucial to our security and sovereignty. As outlined in our defence policy update, Our North, Strong and Free, released in April […]