Naval Museum marks 50 years, launches new naval story initiative By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A cheerful garden party brought out friends, well-wishers and staff from years past to celebrate an important milestone for the Naval Museum of Halifax and witness the launch of a new story collection project. The […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Le tournoi de goalball est une célébration « significative » de l'accessibilité du sport
Goalball tournament a “meaningful” celebration of accessible sport By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Military personnel recently donned blindfolds and battled for supremacy while showcasing an accessible sport for people with blindness or limited vision. On May 30, six teams competed in the Stadacona S-120 Drill Hall for the chance to […]
Prix d'excellence en promotion de la santé 2024
2024 Excellence in Health Promotion Award By the Health Promotion Team Are you or someone you know a health promoting superstar? Is there a group or committee of folks in your unit who prioritize health and wellness for the benefit of the unit? Each year, Health Promotion Services sends out […]
Journée de nettoyage de la communauté pour le département GSM du NCSM Toronto
HMCS Toronto MSE department community cleanup By HMCS Toronto MSE There are many different phases in the operational cycle of a Halifax-Class Frigate, and not all of them involve participating in domestic operations or sailing to faraway lands. Currently, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Toronto is deep into its docking […]
Le nouveau premier maître de la flotte de l'Atlantique offre « mentorat, conseils et soutien »
New Atlantic Fleet Chief offers “mentorship, guidance and support” By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Canadian Fleet Atlantic welcomed its new Fleet Chief at a Change of Appointment Ceremony at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard on June 13. “I feel extremely privileged today” said Chief Petty Officer 1st class (CPO1) Patrick […]
Volume 58, édition 13, 24 juin 2024
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Le NCSM Charlottetown se joindra au SNMG2 en tant que navire amiral
HMCS Charlottetown to join SNMG2 as flagship By Trident Staff Canada is set to once again take command of a NATO task group in the Mediterranean Sea, with His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown having left Halifax on June 15 to join allies in that region as part of a […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : L'espoir sur la peur
Padre’s Corner: Hope over fear By Capt Paul Reimer, Chaplain, HMCS Montréal Padre Capt Reimer is currently on a six-month deployment aboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal on Operation Horizon, Canada’s forward-presence mission to promote peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. As ship’s team divers, there are many […]
Journées de la famille du MDN : Rendre la pareille aux familles des militaires
DND Family Days: Giving back to military families By Trident Staff Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Halifax is all set for the 2024 edition of DND Family Days, an annual event that brings two days of fun, food and prizes to HMC Dockyard as a thank-you to our military families. As […]
Promotions et récompenses aux Maldives
Plusieurs promotions, distinctions et insignes de service en mer ont été remis par le commandant du NCSM Montréal, le capitaine de frégate Travis Bain, alors que le navire se trouvait à proximité de la Grèce et des Maldives en mai. On voit ici le matelot de 1re classe Cobham, deuxième à partir de la gauche, après avoir été promu à son grade actuel. Le Montréal reste déployé [...]