Leading D-BMQ is hard work, but rewarding, instructors say By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff When Master Sailor Gus McIsaac heard about an opportunity to take the General Military Training Instructor (GMTI) course last summer, he jumped at the chance. “I’ve always wanted to instruct at Basic Training. I remember when […]
Other News
Punching above her weight
Sailor 1st Class Victoria Croney, a Marine Technician (MARTECH) posted to HMCS Montreal, was awarded the CFL Sailor of the Quarter award on October 22. She was credited as a leader in the daunting task of overhauling the ship’s entire black water system, a critical function. Commodore Christopher Robinson, Commander, […]
52 years on, survivors and family remember HMCS Kootenay tragedy at sea
52 years on, survivors and family remember HMCS Kootenay tragedy at sea By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff As people gathered to remember and pay tribute at the various events commemorating the explosion and fire aboard HMCS Kootenay on October 23, 1969, it was clear the tragedy marked a turning point […]
CFB Halifax COVID-19 Proof of Full Vaccination Guidelines/Directives de la BFC Halifax concernant la preuve de vaccination complète contre la COVID-19
CFB Halifax COVID-19 Proof of Full Vaccination Guidelines In order to align CFB Halifax with the Nova Scotia Government’s COVID-19 proof of full vaccination policy, all patrons age 12 and over who wish to access Base facilities for discretionary purposes will be required to show proof of vaccination effective Monday, […]
The spirits of Admiralty House: Naval Museum staff share ghost stories
The spirits of Admiralty House: Naval Museum staff share ghost stories By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff The lady with the long white hair by the main stairs is the most common sighting reported to museum staff. They’ve also had reports of people hearing water running, and another from someone who […]
HMCS Kootenay commemoration ceremony
A ceremony was held on Friday, October 22 to mark the 52nd anniversary of the explosion and fire aboard HMCS Kootenay. Nine sailors lost their lives when the ship’s starboard gearbox exploded on October 23, 1969. Pictured from left are Cmdre Christopher Robinson, Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, Kootenay survivor member […]
HMCS Sackville hosts committal services as summer season ends
HMCS Sackville hosts committal services as summer season ends By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Committal of Ashes Ceremony aboard HMCS Sackville has long been an important annual event for the historic ship, taking place once a year, on Battle of the Atlantic Sunday, off of Point Pleasant Park in […]
Nutrition Awareness: Let dietitians help you find your healthy
By Kathleen Bayliss-Byrne, Dietitian, CF H Svcs C (A) Each individual person has their own unique needs based on their health, their preferences, their culture and their food traditions. Finding what may be “good for you” is not the same for everyone. Think about the traditions you experience and share […]
Remembering Vimy, the last military police working dog
Remembering Vimy, the last military police working dog By MPU Halifax It is with great sadness we announce the passing of the last military police working dog, Vimy, on the morning of September 13, 2021. Vimy was named to commemorate the great battle of Vimy Ridge during the First World […]
CD presentation at MARLANT HQ N8
Lt(N) Graham Stark was presented with his Canadian Forces Decoration (CD) on September 23 by Cdr Matthew Otoupal, Formation Comptroller. This decoration is awarded to members who have completed 12 years of military service within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Lt(N) Stark joined the CAF in 2003 as a Reservist […]