Other News


New CSC Project Management Office opens in Dartmouth / Ouverture d’un nouveau Bureau de gestion de projet du NCSC à Dartmouth

New CSC Project Management Office opens in Dartmouth By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff The team at the Project Management Office, Canadian Surface Combatant (PMO CSC) Halifax detachment, celebrated their office’s grand opening with a barbecue and ribbon-cutting ceremony on October 18. Wielding a giant pair of scissors, Commodore Rob Gray, […]


En ce jour du Souvenir trans, faisons un pas de plus vers l’inclusion / This Transgender Day of Remembrance, let’s take a step towards inclusiveness

En ce jour du Souvenir trans, faisons un pas de plus vers l’inclusion Par de l’Organisation consultative de la Fierté de l’Équipe de la Défense Malgré les victoires politiques, la représentation accrue des personnes trans dans les médias et l’avancement de nouvelles politiques visant à protéger les droits des personnes […]


Active summer/fall for HMCS Sackville

Active summer/fall for HMCS Sackville By the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust  HMCS Sackville, Canada’s Naval Memorial, returned to her summer berth on the historic Halifax waterfront in late June after an extensive hull refit and welcomed – amidst COVID-19 limitations – more than 27,000 visitors.  Commander Gary Reddy (ret’d), commanding […]

actualités Sport

CAF Sports Day 2021

CAF Sports Day 2021 in Halifax By Trident Staff, For the second year in a row, Personnel Support Programs Halifax hosted a pared-down version of the Canadian Armed Forces’ annual celebration of sport. Military members at Stadacona kicked off CAF Sports Day on October 21 with a morning run, and […]