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Other News
HMC Ships Moncton and Goose Bay leave for Operation Projection
HMC Ships Moncton and Goose Bay leave for Operation Projection By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff For the first time since 2020, two of the Royal Canadian Navy’s Kingston-class ships — HMC Ships Goose Bay and Moncton — are crossing the Atlantic Ocean on deployment to Operation Projection West Africa. Operation […]
HMCS Fredericton returns after five-month NATO deployment / Le NCSM Fredericton rentre à la maison après un déploiement de cinq mois pour l’OTAN
HMCS Fredericton returns after five-month NATO deployment By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff After a five-month deployment on Operation Reassurance serving as the flagship to Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1), Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Fredericton returned to Halifax on December 18. While its primary role was as the SNMG1 […]
Register now for PSP Winter Challenge 2022
Register now for PSP Winter Challenge 2022 By CFMWS You already know that exercise is good for your bod. But did you know it can also boost your mood, improve your sleep, and help you deal with depression, anxiety, stress, and more? What better time to join the Winter Challenge […]
CANEX Gives Back Recognition Event
CANEX Gives Back Recognition Event! By Sarah-Jean Mannette, H&R MFRC Recently, the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) and PSP Community Recreation hosted the 2021 CANEX Gives Back Recognition Event. Held at Glow Halifax, it was the first time in two years that this event, supported by […]
Volume 56, Issue 01, January 10, 2022
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Promotions at 406 Squadron
406 Maritime Operational Training Squadron [(M)OTS] held a promotion ceremony before the break on December 15, with Commanding Officer, LCol David Ferris and 406 (M)OTS Chief CWO Charles Paquette presiding. Here, Aviator (trained) Seven Zourikian is promoted to his current rank. Congratulations to all those who received promotions!
Getting festive at 12 Wing Shearwater
Members from 12 Wing’s Maritime Helicopter Logistics Section got into the holiday spirit during a small unit event on December 8.
Corvette porthole donated to Naval Museum of Halifax / Don d’un hublot de corvette au Musée naval d’Halifax
A view into the past: Corvette porthole donated to Naval Museum of Halifax By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff A porthole from the wreck of HMCS Trentonian, the last corvette lost in the Battle of the Atlantic, was presented to the Naval Museum of Halifax on December 8. Author and naval […]
Once-in-a-lifetime experience for U.S. junior officer / Une expérience unique pour un officier subalterne américain
Harry DeWolf exchange: Once-in-a-lifetime experience for U.S. junior officer By RCN, Now that Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Harry DeWolf finished its historic circumnavigation of North America on December 16, 2021, one member of the crew is heading home with a duffle bag full of memories and one-of-a-kind experiences. United […]