S1 Class Christopher Vincent, a cook deployed on Operation Reassurance, prepares salads on the line for sailors aboard HMCS Montreal on February 8.
Other News
Volume 56, édition 04, 21 février 2022
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Padre’s Corner: A Light in the Darkness
Padre’s Corner: A Light in the Darkness By Padre Lt(N) Stephen Cogswell, Chaplain,12 Wing Shearwater We’re deep into the winter months in Nova Scotia which means messy & windy storms. With those storms also comes a good chance of power outages. During once such “Nor’easter,” our neighbourhood was not spared […]
CFB Halifax Pink Shirt Day / Journée du chandail rose de la BFC Halifax
CFB Halifax Pink Shirt Day By CFB Halifax, Pink Shirt Day, February 23, is quickly approaching. Don’t miss out on getting your 2022 Pink Shirt Day t-shirt! In-person sales to occur on February 21 Remaining stock will be available for purchase in-person on Base on February 21, 9 am – […]
Port inspection divers train to maintain proficiency / Les plongeurs d’inspection portuaire s’entraînent pour maintenir leurs compétences
Port inspection divers train to maintain proficiency By RCN, Port inspection divers from 15 Naval Reserve Divisions across Canada gathered on Vancouver Island from January 21 to 30, 2022, for an annual diving exercise. Forty-eight naval reservists travelled to dive sites in Comox, Nanaimo and Port Hardy, B.C., to take […]
MARLANT DVMAG Black History Month / Jeu-questionnaire du Mois de l’histoire des Noirs
MARLANT DVMAG Black History Month Quiz 2022 Please submit your quiz to +HFX Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group@Halifax Halifax.DVMAG@forces.gc.ca no later than February 25 2022. Gift cards will be selected from submitted quizzes by the DVMAG Champion, Capt(N) Williams, CFB Halifax Base Commander. Download the quiz here! […]
Olympians on track with Navy-themed sleds
Olympians on track with Navy-themed sleds By Peter Mallett The Lookout Staff It has been all over the news; Canada’s Olympic Bobsleigh and skeleton teams are at the 2022 Olympics with Navy-inspired sleds. Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton partnered with the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to design a Second World War-era Admiralty […]
Naval Reserve National Diving Exercise
MS Dean Wilson (left) and S1 Alessandra Leake exit the water upon completion of diving operations during a Naval Reserve National Dive Exercise in Comox, British Columbia on January 28. Naval Reserve divers from across the country came together for the week-long exercise.
Outgoing CO reflects on 7 years with HMCS Harry DeWolf
Outgoing CO reflects on 7 years with HMCS Harry DeWolf By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When Cdr Corey Gleason was first asked to take on the appointment as the first Commanding Officer of the Royal Canadian Navy’s first Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessel, he was warned it wouldn’t be a […]
#BellLetsTalk Day / Journée #BellCause pour la cause
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to all local Defence Team members who submitted pictures and thoughtful messages showcasing how we can support ourselves and each other when it comes to our mental health. Please continue talking, supporting each other and seeking mental health assistance for you or your loved […]