Members of the CFB Halifax Chaplain team hosted a bell-ringing ceremony to show support and hope for peace for the people of Ukraine on March 10 in front of CFB Halifax building S-90. Chaplains also stressed they are available to speak with and support any CAF members who may have […]
Other News
Volume 56, édition 06, 21 mars 2022
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CFB Halifax Base Commander statement in honour of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / Message du Commandant de la BFC Halifax à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale
Local Defence Team, Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD), I write this message to you in my capacity as the Champion of our MARLANT Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group (DVMAG). Each year on March 21, IDERD is observed globally to acknowledge the ongoing […]
2022 NSNAC Naval Bursary Application
The Nova Scotia Naval Association of Canada (NSNAC) offers $1,000 bursary to Nova Scotia/Maritime Provinces students with a naval connection to pursue training at a recognized secondary educational institution. For copy of application form check: Deadline for applications: April 16. The non-profit NSNAC supports a robust and capable Royal […]
One of CFB Halifax’s own at the Brier
Kevin Ouellette has been a familiar face to many at CFB Halifax for nearly 20 years, but did you know that Juno Catering’s Banquet Chef is a pro on the ice as well as in the kitchen? Ouelette is an accomplished curler, currently competing at the Tim Hortons Brier, which […]
Padre’s Corner: Look up!
Padre’s Corner: Look up! By Padre (Capt) Brenda Zwicker, Fleet Chaplain There has been a lot of interesting discussion lately around the new Netflix-produced film “Don’t Look Up.” One article I read called it a parable of our distracted society. I found the movie entertaining while I watched, but then […]
HMCS Ville de Québec Change of Command
Deputy Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, Captain (N) Sheldon Gillis (right) in the mess aboard HMCS Sackville, presents a Burden of Command plaque to HMCS Ville de Québec’s incoming commanding officer, Cdr Russel Hodgson, on the occasion of the vessel’s Change of Command ceremony on February 16. Cdr Hodgson takes […]
The best of both worlds: Life as a naval reservist with HMCS Scotian / Être un réserviste à bord du NCSM Scotian, c’est le meilleur des deux mondes
The best of both worlds: Life as a naval reservist with HMCS Scotian By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff When CPO1 (ret’d) David Hutt joined the naval reserves in 1975, he thought it would just be for the summer. He ended up staying for 40 years and was coxswain of HMCS […]
Outgoing Asterix CO felt right at home on supply ship
Outgoing Asterix CO felt right at home on supply ship By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff A successful replenishment-at-sea (RAS) requires planning, precision and plenty of prior practice. And although there’s always inherent risk involved in the operation, LCdr Amanda Jayne sees a measure of grace and poetry in the maneuver […]
Unique program aids transition to an IT civilian workforce
Unique program aids transition to an IT civilian workforce By Peter Mallett, The Lookout Staff Attention veterans and currently transitioning military personnel: There’s a free training program designed to prepare you for a career in information technology. Australian-based company With You With Me (WYWM) works with government agencies to combat […]