Other News


DTPAO message to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia / Message de l’OCFÉD à l’occasion de la Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie

DTPAO message to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia By Capt Marie-Christine De Tilly, Defence Team Pride Network May 17 is a symbolic date for the LGBTQ2+ communities. Homosexuality was removed from the World Health Organization (WHO) list of mental illnesses on May 17, 1990. This date was […]


First barge delivery a milestone for Joint Support Ship project / La livraison de la première barge est une étape importante du projet de navire de soutien interarmées 

First barge delivery a milestone for Joint Support Ship project By Peter Mallet, The Lookout An important milestone for the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) new Joint Support Ships (JSS) has been completed. The first of four modular, self-propelled barges designed to serve the needs of these future supply ships has […]

actualités Sport

Halifax Wanderers DND Appreciation Match set for June 4 / Le match de reconnaissance envers le MDN des Wanderers d’Halifax est prévu pour le 4 juin

Halifax Wanderers DND Appreciation Match set for June 4 On Saturday, June 4 at 3 pm, the Halifax Wanderers Football (soccer) Club of the Canadian Premier League will once again be hosting a DND Appreciation Match at the Wanderers Grounds in downtown Halifax when they will take on York United FC. […]