Canada is proposing the Halifax Regional Municipality as host to the North American Regional Office of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA). DIANA is a new NATO body that will create a network of innovation sites in North America and Europe, coordinated […]
Other News
Le NCSM Margaret Brooke mis en service à Halifax après une année chargée
HMCS Margaret Brooke commissioned in Halifax after busy year By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) fleet of Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) continues to take shape, with His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret Brooke officially commissioned into service on October 28 at a ceremony held […]
La Journée des vétérans autochtones
Indigenous Veterans Day at CFB Halifax By CFB Halifax Public Affairs, On November 8, the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre organized an inspiring event in honour of Indigenous Veterans Day. During this time of reconciliation and reflection, acknowledging and celebrating the role of Indigenous veterans is more important than ever. This […]
« Nos vétérans, leurs histoires »: Concert de la Semaine des vétérans
Our Veterans, Their Stories: Veterans’ Week concert By Trident Staff The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy, along with 12 Wing Shearwater Pipes and Drums, honoured the service and sacrifice of military members past and present at their annual Veterans’ Week concert, held on November 6 at the Spatz […]
La diplomatie sportive lors de la visite de l'USS Gerald R. Ford
As part of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group’s visit to Halifax, crews of vessels from different countries came together for a series of friendly sporting contests at CFB Halifax. Bravo Zulu to all those who participated to help build camaraderie and relationships between allies!
Des navires de la MRC se joignent au groupe d'attaque du porte-avions USS Gerald R. Ford pour des exercices
RCN ships join USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group for exercises By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) says he’s thrilled that ships from the Atlantic Fleet have the opportunity to exercise with the United States Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, along with a […]
La Mini-Coupe Grey revient le 18 novembre
Mini Grey Cup returns on November 18 By Trident Staff There’s less than a week to go before the 51st Mini Grey Cup flag football game will kick off at Stadacona’s Porteous Field, the first match to be held since 2019 when the event marked its 50th anniversary. A long-standing […]
Les FMAR(A) marquent le Jour du Souvenir à Halifax et en mer
Les membres de l'équipe de la Défense se sont joints à l'ensemble de la communauté pour marquer le Jour du Souvenir dans toute la région d'Halifax le 11 novembre, avec de grandes cérémonies à la Grande Parade et au Mémorial d'Halifax [...]
Premier changement de commandement depuis 2019 pour le NCSM Goose Bay
First change of command since 2019 for HMCS Goose Bay By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff When Commander (Cdr) Daniel Rice took the helm of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Goose Bay in March 2019, he didn’t expect to be in command of the vessel for the next three-and-a-half years — […]
Une cérémonie d'inauguration rend hommage au regretté marin du NCSM Kootenay
Un groupe représentant la « famille » du NCSM Kootenay s'est rendu à Union Centre dans le comté de Pictou (N.-É.) le 22 octobre pour assister à une cérémonie d'inauguration du ruisseau Billy Boudreau. Le site est nommé en l'honneur du Pm 2 William Alfred « Billy » Boudreau, qui est né dans le comté de Pictou et qui a été tué dans [...]