Sailor Spotlight: HMCS Max Bernays Boatswain S1 Anna Cocquyt By Lt(N) Anastasiya Karakoy, HMCS Max Bernays From the outside looking in, service in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) may appear highly regimented, with little room for creativity. However, the uniformity of military life often eases to allow for the creation […]
Other News
L'OTAN organise l'exercice de guerre anti-sous-marine avancée Dynamic Manta en Italie
NATO holds advanced anti-submarine warfare exercise Dynamic Manta in Italy By NATO MARCOM Public Affairs NATO’s maritime exercise Dynamic Manta 2023 took place off the Sicilian coast through late February and early March. Ships, submarines, aircraft, and personnel from nine Allied nations converged in the Central Mediterranean Sea for the […]
Message du champion du Groupe consultatif des minorités visibles de la Défense des Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale 2023
March 21, 2023 Local Defence Team, Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) – an annual commemorative event aimed at addressing racial inequalities, prejudices and injustices; amplifying awareness around the history and lived experiences of racialized communities; and encouraging meaningful conversations and actions around diversity, […]
Volume 57, édition 06, 20 mars 2023
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La chronique de l’aumônier: Nettoyage spirituel de printemps
Padre’s Corner: Spiritual spring cleaning By Padre Lt(N) Tim Parker, BAdm Chaplain Publication of this edition of Trident (March 20) coincides with the first day of Spring. Our thoughts turn from the cold and dark of winter to the newness of spring as we look forward to the warmth of […]
2023 Champions du Tournoi de Hockey Mémorial Ray Kline
Saviez-vous que le service d’incendie de la BFC Halifax a une équipe de hockey? Son équipe, les Skylarkers, a récemment remporté le Tournoi de hockey commémoratif Ray Kline grâce à une victoire de 1 à 0 durement remportée contre le service régional d’incendie et d’urgence d’Halifax. Félicitations aux Skylarkers pour leur magnifique victoire!
Le CRFC met en lumière les femmes dans la FAC lors d'une cérémonie d'inscription spéciale
CFRC highlights women in the CAF during special enrolment ceremony By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre detachment in Halifax hosted a number of unique activities on March 8 to mark International Women’s Day, with an enrolment ceremony, honours and awards, candidate interviews, and more, all meant […]
La surveillance
LCdr Christopher Heckman, Commanding Officer of HMCS Glace Bay, looks through a pair of binoculars while in the vicinity of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, during Operation Globe on March 6. After completing their recent Operation Projection deployment in West Africa, HMCS Glace Bay and HMCS Moncton were deployed to the waters off […]
Un projet national de santé mentale au profit du sport de la FAC
National mental health project to benefit CAF sport By Peter Mallet, The Lookout A new Mental Health and Sport Resource Hub is ready to help Canadian Armed Forces coaches and athletes contend with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) launched the Hub as part […]
Journée des chandails roses à Halifax
Nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter quelques photos de notre Équipe de la Défense en train de célébrer la Journée Chandail Rose le 22 février dernier! La Journée du chandail rose est une célébration annuelle qui encourage les personnes à porter un chandail rose afin de prendre position contre l’intimidation et de promouvoir le respect pour tous[...]