Lost Canadian Banshee pilot remembered at US naval base By Joanna Calder, RCAF Public Affairs On February 25, 1958, Lt Barry Troy was part of a four-ship Royal Canadian Navy F2H-3 Banshee flight heading south along the coast of Florida from United States Naval Station Mayport outside Jacksonville. They were […]
Other News
Taking a dip
Members of the ship’s company of HMCS Summerside take a break during Op PROJECTION West Africa for a quick swim by the equator on March 14, 2018.
RCN helps donations reach West Africa
Halifax school sends donations to West Africa with help from the RCN By Lt(N) Linda Coleman, MARLANT PAO As HMC Ships Kingston and Summerside began preparations for their deployment to West Africa, word spread that the ships were offering to transport donations to African schools in need. Donations poured in […]
A Night in the Trenches
The Mighty Maroon Machine commemorates the Battle of Moreuil Wood at A Night in the Trenches By Capt Jamie Tobin, 5 Cdn Div PAO It is a common practice of military organizations to commemorate military events both solemnly and with pride. A Night in the Trenches is meant to proudly […]
Nijmegen training starts soon
Training starts soon for 2018 MARLANT Nijmegen team By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff There’s nearly five months to go before the 2018 edition of the International Four Days Marches Nijmegen, but for CAF members hoping to participate in the annual test of endurance in the Netherlands, the time to begin […]
Volume 52, Issue 06, March 19, 2018
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International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day a chance to listen, learn, and share By Virginia Beaton, Trident Staff MARLANT marked International Women’s Day 2018 with an event that ranged from a session on confidence building, to one that offered options on how to take change of your financial life. The theme was Strong […]
Trinity Det NOPFWI CO awarded
LCdr Graham Collins, CO of Trinity Det NOPFWI, receives the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) breast insignia and certificate from Capt Lures, USN, Commander Undersea Surveillance.
Mini Grey Cup
Mini Grey Cup gets shout-out from CFL Commissioner By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As rumours swirl about the possibility of a Canadian Football League franchise coming to the Halifax area, CFL Commissioner Randy Ambrosie stopped in the city on February 23 for a town-hall style event with local fans. And […]
Total Health and Wellness at CFMWC
Health and wellness initiative kicks off at CFMWC By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Most members of the defence community continually balance their busy work days and home lives while trying to find time for things like exercise, full nights of sleep and other means of self care. In recognition of […]