Other News


Padre’s Corner

Christmas holiday the time to show your love By Capt Albert Lee, Chaplain Campus Atlantic NFS(A) NTDC(A), Most of the sailors that come to see me, see me for relationship issues. Whether it’s a relationship at work, with their spouse, with their children, or with their family members. We have […]


MARLANT/JTFA Honours & Awards

Exemplary service recognized at Honours & Awards Ceremony By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Lt(N) Victoria Barrie spent nearly three years in the difficult and demanding role of Flag Lieutenant to the Commander of Canadian Fleet Atlantic, working under then Cmdre Craig Baines. She moved on from that job in summer […]


NDWCC 2018 update

NDWCC update By Margaret Conway, CFB Halifax A/PAO It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the conclusion of the fall 2018 campaign season. Our NDWCC canvassers have been hard at work visiting all Base and MARLANT units and ships within the Formation, and individual units have been busy planning and […]