Outgoing HMCS Goose Bay CO pushed boundaries of MCDV platform By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff In the 19 months since LCdr Emily Lambert took over as Commanding Officer of HMCS Summerside, she and her crew conducted 20 port visits in the United States, Europe and West Africa, crossed the Atlantic […]
Other News
Volume 52, Issue 07, April 8, 2019
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Crewmembers in HMCS Toronto stand by as they receive fuel during a Liquid Replenishment at Sea (RAS) with French Oiler FS VAR (A608), while deployed on Op REASSURANCE, March 4, 2019.
Op IMPACT extended to 2021
Canada renews its military contribution to support stability in the Middle East By DND The international response against Daesh has reduced the suffering of the most vulnerable, but the crises in Iraq and Syria persist. Continued support by the members of the Global Coalition Against Daesh is critical for long-term, […]
International Women’s Day at CFB Halifax
Keep pushing for equality, female leaders tell crowd on International Women’s Day By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As the Commanding Officer of HMCS Charlottetown, Cdr Nancy Setchell is an example of a woman excelling in a leadership role in the Canadian Armed Forces. She’s found opportunities and successes throughout her […]
CISM Athlete of the Year
Naval Reservist named CISM Military Female Athlete of the Year By Trident Staff, HMCS York sailor and three-time world taekwondo champion AB Yvette Yong has added to her already-long list of accomplishments and accolades in the sport, recently being named the 2018 International Military Female Athlete of the Year by […]
RCN ships visit Togo
Royal Canadian Navy ships conduct first ever visit to Togo By Lt (N) Jeff Lura, Public Affairs Officer, Operation PROJECTION West Africa On a beautiful Tuesday morning, HMC ships Kingston and Shawinigan came alongside in Lomé, the capital city of Togo. Deployed on Operation PROJECTION West Africa, the ships had […]
The US National Guard and 5 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group help the 5th Canadian Division troops reach their patrols by Light Over Snow Vehicles on Ex NORTHERN SOJOURN 2019 in Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador on March 7, 2019.
Sailor of the Year
Sailor of the Year making his mark at FDU(A) By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When LS Jeffery Haskins joined the CAF in 2011, he had one goal: become a diver. The road to get there wasn’t easy, but now, two years after joining Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic), he’s become a […]
CAF Hockey Nationals
CFB Halifax, Shearwater hockey teams compete at CAF Nationals By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Both the CFB Halifax Mariners Women’s Hockey Team and the Shearwater Flyers Old Timers’ team recently had strong showings at CAF National Championships, with each placing first in the round robin portions of the tournaments. Unfortunately, […]