HMCS Toronto departs for Op REASSURANCE under unique circumstances By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As HMCS Toronto prepared to depart Halifax on the afternoon of July 25 for a six-month stint deployed to Operation REASSURANCE, there was plenty of chatter about the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and […]
Other News
RCN sports history for July
RCN sports history: Goodwill between friends By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff After relay-running 140 miles from Crown Point, New York to Montreal in two days, four US Navy and US Marine personnel arrived at Montreal’s Military and Maritime Museum on July 4, 1980. The purpose of the run was to […]
Change of Command at FDU(A)
Outgoing FDU(A) Commander credits team for tackling challenges By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff In a farewell address to his crew, the Commanding Officer of Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) described the intense pace of work like a flashbang – one that went off when he was appointed to the position two […]
Greetings between friends
HMCS Fredericton crew members wave at their allies in the USS Roosevelt during a sail past at the conclusion of exercise DYNAMIC MONGOOSE, during Operation REASSURANCE on July 9, 2020.
12 AMS Change of Command
12 Air Maintenance Squadron (AMS) at 12 Wing Shearwater had a Change of Command ceremony on June 22, 2020. Col James Hawthorne, 12 Wing Commanding Officer, presided over the ceremony. Because of physical distancing requirements of the COVID-19 pandemic, attendance at the ceremony was limited. LCol Willis is now posted […]
Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag installation at CFB Halifax
Flag Installation Marks Continued Effort Toward Reconciliation at CFB Halifax Elizabeth Sharpe, CFB Halifax PA Intern A Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag has found its home inside the newly built Common Support Training Facility (CSTF) at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax. The flag was installed during an intimate ceremony on June […]
NAVCOM from HMCS St. John’s named Sailor of the Quarter
NAVCOM from HMCS St. John’s named Sailor of the Quarter By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When the Formation adopted its pandemic posture in mid-March, everyone was asked to do their part to ensure the RCN maintained its readiness and capability. For some, that meant staying home to help limit the […]
Volume 54, Issue 14, July 13, 2020
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Still time to register for Navy 10K and Navy Bike Ride
Still time to register for Navy 10K and Navy Bike Ride By Trident Staff While some of the Navy’s signature events aren’t taking place in their usual format this year, that doesn’t mean they’ve been outright cancelled. Both the local Navy 10K here in Halifax and the national Navy Bike […]
Serving Canadians during Op LASER
Troop Commander Territorial Battle Group 1, Lt Cody Beard presents the staff of Woodbridge Vista Care Community with a plaque commemorating the work of Augmented Civilian Care Team 2, soldiers, sailors and aviators of Territorial Battle Group 1 during their time at Woodbridge Vista Care Community on Operation LASER, in […]