Government House recognizes Stadacona Band’s 80th anniversary By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy continues to celebrate their 80th anniversary year, current and former members of the band were invited to Government House on September 17 for a special presentation in honour of […]
Other News
Sailor of the Quarter
Sailor of the Quarter credited for Op REASSURANCE work By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff When HMCS Fredericton was preparing for its Operation REASSURANCE deployment in late 2019, S1 Ethan Hann, a MARTECH onboard the ship, was playing a key role. He was credited with ensuring Fredericton left Halifax with a […]
Volume 54, Issue 20, October 05, 2020
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Base hosts busy blood donor clinic
So many Defence Team members donated blood in support of our communities on September 18 that our latest Canadian Blood Services clinic, which took place at Stadacona’s CF Health Services Centre (Atlantic), reached 120 percent of its donation targets. Bravo Zulu to our local Defence community, volunteers and healthcare practitioners […]
Fire Prevention Week 2020
Fire Prevention Week By National Fire Prevention Association, Fire Prevention Week 2020 runs from October 4 – 10. This year’s theme is Serve Up Safety in the Kitchen. The National Fire Protection Association has created the following list of fire prevention ideas for people to use in order to make […]
New training facility at CFB Halifax
New training facility at CFB Halifax helps student sailors prepare for the Future By RCN PA With the completion of a new naval training facility at CFB Halifax, the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) next generation of sailors had more to look forward to than classwork when they returned to training […]
The sinking of HMCS St Croix
The sinking of HMCS St Croix By CPO1 (Ret’d) Pat Devenish, Canadian Naval Memorial Trust Many stories of our Navy’s history are kept hidden until someone brings them to the forefront, and though this story has been told in several books, we still need to be reminded on occasion of […]
New Multi-Role Rescue Boat
Members of HMCS Harry DeWolf’s ship’s company trial their new Multi-Role Rescue Boat (MRRB) to enhance seamanship and navigation skills, on September 2, 2020. The boat’s primary role is rescue and tactical operations like supporting the Enhanced Boarding Party.
12 Wing Air Person of the Year
WO Sandra Leaman named 12 Wing Air Person of the Year By 2Lt Leo Zhou, 12 Wing Public Affairs “In the field, giving troops an extra box of glow sticks or baby wipes can really make their day better,” says WO Sandra Leaman. “It’s very rewarding to be able to […]
First promotions to new RCN ranks
HMCS Toronto is first ship to promote sailors at sea to new RCN ranks By Lt(N) Anders Mech, HMCS Toronto While at sea in the Baltic on September 4, HMCS Toronto became the first ship in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) with the privilege of promoting sailors at sea into […]