Stadacona Band holiday concert will be online By Virginia Beaton, Trident Staff If you enjoy the Christmas holiday season, you will want to tune in to Facebook page at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16. That’s when the Stadacona Band of The Royal Canadian Navy, directed by Lt(N) Bradley Ritson, […]
Other News
Holiday traditions in the Navy
Holiday traditions in the Navy By Jennifer Gamble, Curator Naval Museum of Halifax Celebrating the holidays with crewmates, friends and family has been a long standing tradition in the Royal Canadian Navy. Everything from moose milk to decorating the ship, has for the past 110 years brought joy to a […]
A holiday message from the Base Commander
A holiday message from the Base Commander By Capt(N) Sean Williams, Base Commander, CFB Halifax Greetings CFB Halifax, As I write these words, our realities – both individual and in the public sphere – are evolving rapidly. While we are all doing our best to keep each other safe and […]
FDU(A) raises more than $10,000 for Christmas Daddies
Members from Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) presented a cheque to the Christmas Daddies Telethon on 5 December, 2020, outside CTV Atlantic’s studio office. Although the run portion of the Christmas Daddies Navy Divers Run was cancelled this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, members of FDU(A) continued to fundraise through a […]
CFB Halifax volunteers support United Way Day of Caring
CFB Halifax volunteers support United Way Day of Caring in East Preston By Sydney MacLeod, CFB Halifax PA Each year, United Way Halifax offers its Day of Caring program for local corporate partners. Through this program, United Way Halifax matches teams of volunteers with hands-on projects in their communities. Countless […]
Op CARIBBE during COVID-19
Op CARIBBE during COVID-19 By Lt Sheila Tham, Op CARIBBE PAO I am a Public Affairs Officer and have spent my five-year career split between the Air Force and the Army. I was asked to deploy with the Royal Canadian Navy on Op CARIBBE and decided it would round out […]
Getting hands dirty for a good cause
On November 19, Base Commander Capt (N) Williams brought his vehicle in for a Dirty Hands appointment at TEME. Cdr Aral, our Base Logistics Commanding Officer, even stopped in to help out on the shop floor. The Dirty Hands initiative was created with the goal of raising funds for the […]
Padre’s Corner
Chanukah and the miracle of the oil By Rabbi Capt Arnold Glogauer, Fleet Chaplain King Solomon, in the Book of Proverbs, teaches us “The soul of man is the candle of God.” Within each of us is the power to illuminate this world, to transform darkness into light. Just as […]
Remembrance ceremony at Whidbey Island
For the 2020 Remembrance Day ceremony, CAF personnel of Trinity Det Whidbey Island, who work at the Naval Ocean Processing Facility Whidbey, WA, hosted American military colleagues and the Base Commander for a socially distanced event. The ceremony was broadcast to friends and family via Zoom, and virtually attended across […]
Ex NOBLE SKYWAVE – amplifying the Global Communications Network By Captain Mark Bailey, 36 Signal Regiment Communications and Electronics Branch members from 36 Signal Regiment, 12 Operation Support System Telecommunication Flight, and Joint Deployable Communications Section (JCDS) came together for the annual Exercise NOBLE SKYWAVE competition held October 28-29, 2020. […]