HMCS Nipigon lives on thanks to former hull tech’s handiwork By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As a part of the ship, HMCS Nipigon’s duckboards helped keep sailors’ feet dry for more than 30 years. Now, the teak slabs of wood serve the former members of the ship’s company in different […]
Other News
Volume 55, Issue 03, February 8, 2021
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Keeping fit mentally and physically
RAdm Brian Santarpia, Commander MARLANT and JTFA (front row, third from left) and other members of the defence team participated in a PSP-led yoga class on January 28, Bell Let’s Talk Day, as a means of promoting both mental and physical wellbeing.
Operation ARTEMIS resumes under Canadian leadership
A Change of Command and an enduring partnership: Operation ARTEMIS resumes in Manama, Bahrain, under Canadian leadership By Lt(N) Melissa Kia, CTF 150 Public Affairs Officer On 27 January, 2021, Commodore (Cmdre) Dan Charlebois of the Royal Canadian Navy assumed command of Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150) from Rear […]
DND Psychologists serving CAF Members
DND Psychologists serving CAF Members By Alexandra Anderson, M.Sc. CF H Svcs C(A) February is National Psychology Month. It is therefore a great opportunity to define the typical occupational responsibilities of psychologists, while also highlighting the role and contributions of DND psychologists serving CAF members in MARLANT. Psychologists’ primary roles […]
Cdr Roberge takes command at NFS(A)
CFB Halifax Commanding Officer, Capt(N) Sean Williams (left) and incoming Naval Fleet School Atlantic (NFS(A)) Commanding Officer, Cdr David Roberge, sign the Assumption of Command certificates at CFB Halifax building S-15 on January 29.
Face of Base: Padre Capt Troy Dennis
By CFB Halifax Public Affairs, Meet our newest Face of Base: Senior Base Chaplain Troy Dennis! Originally from Summerside, PEI, Capt Dennis joined the CAF in 2014, when he was posted to CFB Shilo. While in Manitoba, he became very involved in the community; leading church groups, playing trumpet in […]
SNMG1 conducts PASSEX training with German Navy
SNMG1 conducts PASSEX training with German Navy By LCdr Mark Fifield, SNMG1 PAO From January 26-29, 2021, Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1), led by the SNMG1 Flagship, HMCS Halifax, conducted a series of passing training exercises with the German Navy in the North Sea. A PASSEX or “Passing Exercise” […]
HMCS Summerside reins in runaway rider buoy
Summerside reins in runaway rider buoy By Lt(N) Dan Bannerman, HMCS Summerside On January 19, 2021, HMCS Summerside was tasked as Ready Duty Ship (RDS) to recover a TRIAXYS directional wave buoy that had broken free of its mooring and was drifting to sea. As a result, the 500-lb buoy posed […]
Future HMCS Max Bernays moves outdoors
The latest milestone moment for the RCN’s third Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) took place on January 23, with two mega-blocks of the future HMCS Max Bernays rolled out of Irving Shipbuilding’s assembly hall to be joined together. The centre and stern mega-blocks of the ship are now dockside, […]