During a diving recovery position exercise, a rescue swimmer on board HMCS Moncton partakes in rescue stations to maintain operational readiness in the waters of the Caribbean Sea on February 13.
Other News
CFB Halifax to mark Pink Shirt Day 2021
By Elizabeth Sharpe, Base Public Affairs Intern On Wednesday, February 24, join CFB Halifax/MARLANT for a special Pink Shirt (Anti-Bullying) Day in support of bullying prevention in our community. Our 2021 theme is “Choose Kindness”, a simple and important message that reminds us all to be kind to ourselves and […]
Stadacona Band member’s new piece inspired by Black Canadians in uniform
Stadacona Band member’s new piece inspired by Black Canadians in uniform By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff A longtime member of the Stadacona Band has written and recorded a piece of music inspired by some of the first Black Canadians to serve in military roles. PO2 Nevawn Patrick’s original composition started […]
Volume 55, Issue 04, February 22, 2021
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The Atlantic Defence Team Pride Network: A new changemaker at CFB Halifax
The Atlantic Defence Team Pride Network: A new changemaker at CFB Halifax By Ariane Guay-Jadah, Base Public Affairs Officer They say that times of chaos and uncertainty can bring about new ways of disrupting the status quo and sparking innovative change. While 2020 was a challenging year on many levels, […]
New underwater hull plating to extend life of HMCS Sackville
New underwater hull plating to extend life of HMCS Sackville By CPO1 (Ret’d) Pat Devenish, Canadian Naval Memorial Trust Many are likely wondering what Canada’s National Naval Memorial has been up to these past few months as she has not been at her normal winter berth in HMC Dockyard. In […]
“Military-issued” best friends are stewards on HMCS Regina
“Military-issued” best friends are stewards on HMCS Regina By Lt(N) Jeff Klassen, HMCS Regina PAO Two base brats from different coasts meet up in basic training, become best friends, get posted to the same Canadian warship, get promoted at the same time – and somewhere in there they buy puppies […]
The eight limbs of yoga
Eight limbs of yoga By Alison Rotzien, Fitness and Sports Instructor, PSP Halifax True yoga is not to be performed; yoga is a practice to be lived off the mat. Having a beautiful tree pose will help you far less often in life than being able to focus and breathe […]
Thank you, Scott Currie
By Elizabeth Sharpe, CFB Halifax PA Intern For more than 20 years, Scott Currie has been a fixture at Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) (CF H Svcs C(A)), ensuring that members of the Canadian Armed Forces community in Halifax receive quality patient care. His interest in helping others, however, […]
Sunday Service at sea
Sailors gather around the forward capstan compartment during a Sunday Church ceremony held by Padre Capt Albert Lee aboard HMCS Halifax during Operation REASSURANCE on January 17.