CAF Coaches in the spotlight across the country By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Coaches Week takes place this year from September 19-27, and while the CAF Sports Program has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our dedicated coaches have still been taking their […]
Other News
HMCS Harry DeWolf crosses the Arctic Circle
The Royal Canadian Navy’s newest commissioned ship has now taken part in one of the oldest naval traditions – a “Crossing the Line” ceremony – this one at the Arctic circle. Likely beginning with the French and Royal Navies more than 300 years ago, the ceremonies mark the passing of […]
Volume 55, Issue 19, September 20, 2021
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Happy days for HMCS Goose Bay
Happy days for HMCS Goose Bay MCDV enjoys a namesake community visit and other activities in Canada’s North By Joanie Veitch, Trident staff After 39 days covering more than 12,000 kilometres, HMCS Goose Bay returned to Halifax on September 10 from a very memorable deployment — one that included participating […]
Tabata classes helped HMCS Calgary stay fit while deployed
Tabata classes helped HMCS Calgary stay fit while deployed By RCN PA Two sailors in Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Calgary hosted a different type of workout class on their ship during their recent Operation PROJECTION and ARTEMIS deployment: Tabata, a form of high-intensity interval training that uses many small […]
Padre’s Corner: Do something
Padre’s Corner: Do something By Padre Lt(N) Stephen Cogswell, Chaplain, 12 Wing Shearwater It’s said that people show what they really think and feel by what they do, rather than by what they say. To take it a step further, the greatest catalyst for change is generally not anything that’s […]
Nuclear Response training at 12 Wing Shearwater
Members of the Nuclear Emergency Response Team (NERT) run through drills with a mock casualty for NEREVAL (Nuclear Emergency Response Evaluation) training exercise in 12 Wing Shearwater on August 31. The Department of National Defence is just one of the many federal government institutions with designated responsibilities under the Federal Nuclear […]
NDWCC 2021- Champion Message / Message du champion de la CCMTDN 2021
A message from the 2021 MARLANT National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign Champion By Capt(N) Sean Williams 2021 MARLANT NDWCC Champion, Base Commander, CFB Halifax Local Defence Team, It is an honour and a privilege to be appointed the MARLANT Champion for the 2021 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC). Our local coordination team, supported by United […]
Devoted WENGTECH crowned west coast Sailor of the Year
Devoted WENGTECH crowned west coast Sailor of the Year By Peter Mallet, The Lookout Staff An HMCS Regina sailor says her passion for life and career is the reason behind her recent Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) Sailor of the Year award. S1 Marianne Mojica, a Weapons Engineering Technician, said the […]
A message from the MARLANT NDWCC Champion / Un message du champion de la CCMTDN des FMAR(A)
A message from the MARLANT National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) Champion By Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie 2022 MARLANT NDWCC Champion Base Commander, CFB Halifax Local Defence Team, In my new role as Base Commander, I am excited to be leading local National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) efforts as the […]