Le matelot-chef Jonathan Wright a hissé le drapeau panafricain au quartier général de la base pendant les couleurs du matin, le 1er février, pour marquer le début du Mois de l'histoire des Noirs au Canada et du Mois du patrimoine africain en Nouvelle-Écosse. L'équipe de la base a remercié tous ceux qui ont organisé la cérémonie [...]
photo d'actualité
Nouveau capitaine d'armes pour le NCSM Fredericton
Le Premier maître de 1re classe Brett Marchand, nouveau capitaine d'armes du NCSM Fredericton (à droite), rend hommage au Pm 1 Keagan Dawson, capitaine d'armes sortant, lors de la cérémonie de changement de nomination qui s'est déroulée à bord du navire le 12 janvier. La cérémonie était présidée par le commandant du Fredericton, le Capitaine de frégate Matthew Mitchell.
Promotions pour les membres juniors du 423e Escadron
Nine members of 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron at 12 Wing Shearwater received promotions before the holiday from 423 Commanding Officer Colonel Matt Fraser and Squadron Master Warrant Officer Scott Savage. The ceremony was held on December 19, 2023. in the 423 Squadron hangar. Congratulations to the following members promoted to […]
Départ des navires pour l'exercice SQUADEX 24-01
His Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Summerside and Glace Bay departed from CFB Halifax on January 15 to participate in a multi-ship exercise dubbed SQUADEX 24-01. Maritime Forces Atlantic says the Kingston-class ships will conduct the exercise in the operations area off Nova Scotia and the Eastern Seaboard, with the goal […]
Le Margaret Brooke part pour une mission de lutte contre les stupéfiants
The ship’s company of HMCS Margaret Brooke has left Halifax for their first sail of the new year. The ship and crew departed on January 12 for a six-week deployment to Operation Caribbe, the Canadian contribution to the US-led enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean region. This will be Margaret […]
Les nouveaux sous-mariniers reçoivent leurs dauphins
A number of newly-minted submariners aboard HMCS Windsor received their qualifications and dolphin badges from Windsor Commanding Officer LCdr Harrison Nguyen-Huynh during presentations before the holiday break. Bravo Zulu to Sub-Lieutenants Martin Hagen and Calum Robinson, Sailor 2nd Class Jeff Dufour, and Sailors 1st Class Zachary Conely, Malcom Lopes, Nicolas […]
Les sous-officiers supérieurs relèvent le défi du hockey de la 12e Escadre
Members at 12 Wing Shearwater held their traditional end-of-year hockey game, known as the SNCO’s – Officers Hockey Challenge, on December 14 at the Shearwater Arena. The wing’s Senior Non-Commissioned squad got one back from their Wardroom rivals, taking the victory after being on the losing side for the game’s […]
Le QG de la 12e escadre se met dans l'esprit des fêtes
Le commandant de la 12e escadre Shearwater, le colonel David Holmes, que l'on voit ici lors d'une rencontre avec le Grinch, a organisé un rassemblement festif pour les membres de l'équipe du quartier général de la 12e escadre et leurs familles. La rencontre a eu lieu le 8 décembre au club Sea King.
Canadian Leaders at Sea
Canadian Leaders at Sea (CLaS) participants Robert Dawson, left, and Hon Capt (N) Jeanette Southwood are seen aboard HMCS Fredericton on November 28. The latest iteration of the Royal Canadian Navy outreach program hosted leaders from the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, and included an overnight sail with […]
Dîner de Noël des Mains au NCSM Scotian
Naval Reservists at HMCS Scotian recently embraced the time-honored naval tradition of the Hands Christmas Dinner, with members of the Division gathering to mark the end of the year and the holiday season with food, music, and the company of their shipmates. The Hands Dinner typically involves some fun switchups, […]