S1 Class Christopher Vincent, a cook deployed on Operation Reassurance, prepares salads on the line for sailors aboard HMCS Montreal on February 8.
photo d'actualité
Naval Reserve National Diving Exercise
MS Dean Wilson (left) and S1 Alessandra Leake exit the water upon completion of diving operations during a Naval Reserve National Dive Exercise in Comox, British Columbia on January 28. Naval Reserve divers from across the country came together for the week-long exercise.
#BellLetsTalk Day / Journée #BellCause pour la cause
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to all local Defence Team members who submitted pictures and thoughtful messages showcasing how we can support ourselves and each other when it comes to our mental health. Please continue talking, supporting each other and seeking mental health assistance for you or your loved […]
Workout with a view
Sailor First Class Christophe Guida gets in a stationary bike ride on board HMCS Moncton while alongside in Bermuda on January 24.
12 Wing marks birthday for Logistics Branch
Col Patrick MacNamara (left), 12 Wing Shearwater Wing Commander, Cpl Harold Daniels, Avr Samantha Robichaud, and Wing Chief Warrant Officer CWO Bruno Poirier (right) raise the Royal Canadian Logistics Services flag in celebration of the branch’s 54th birthday in Shearwater, Nova Scotia, on February 1, 2021.
New CAF members enrolled at 12 Wing Shearwater
Capt Nadeau conducts an enrollment ceremony for two new applicants, Aviator Firouz Firouzi (center), an Air Operations Support Technician, and Aviator Michael Viray (right), an Avionic Systems Technician. This took place at 12 Wing Shearwater headquarters on December 8, 2021. Welcome Avr Firouzi and Avr Viray!
CAF members support booster clinics in Quebec
Sailor 1st Class Sim Truong of the Naval Reserve Unit HMCS Donnacona is one of a number of CAF members taking part in Operation Vector in support of the domestic fight against COVID-18. S1 Truong is seen here helping out at a booster vaccination clinic held at the Montreal Convention […]
Promotions at 406 Squadron
406 Maritime Operational Training Squadron [(M)OTS] held a promotion ceremony before the break on December 15, with Commanding Officer, LCol David Ferris and 406 (M)OTS Chief CWO Charles Paquette presiding. Here, Aviator (trained) Seven Zourikian is promoted to his current rank. Congratulations to all those who received promotions!
Getting festive at 12 Wing Shearwater
Members from 12 Wing’s Maritime Helicopter Logistics Section got into the holiday spirit during a small unit event on December 8.
Celebrating the season with shipmates
The ship’s company of HMCS Montréal held their annual Christmas dinner in late November, decorating the messes and getting dressed up for the occasion. Thanks to COVID-19 vaccinations and careful safety measures, small unit holiday functions were able to be held across MARLANT this year prior to the holiday leave […]