American sailor shores up family roots during Rendez-vous naval de Québec By SLt Megan FitzGibbon During the Rendez-vous naval de Québec 2024 at Québec’s Old Port, an American sailor reconnected with her Québecois heritage. Damage Controlman (DC) Allison Lavoie-Tousignant of the USS Carney had a heartfelt reunion with her great-grandmother, […]
Un artefact du NCSM Assiniboine offert au musée naval à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de la bataille
HMCS Assiniboine artefact donated to Naval Museum on battle anniversary By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A surviving piece from a Second World War-era Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) vessel has found a new home at the Naval Museum of Halifax, coinciding with a historic anniversary. On August 6, a group, including […]
Les membres des Forces armées canadiennes prêtent main-forte aux Journées d’entraide de la YWCA à Halifax
Canadian Armed Forces members lend a hand with YWCA Halifax Days of Caring By Rebecca Pierce, CFB Halifax Public Affairs Days of Caring are United Way Halifax initiatives that pair community volunteers with charitable organizations who are seeking assistance. Each year as part of the Halifax and Shearwater Region National […]
Bienvenue à Bluenose : Une rencontre pour les familles des militaires - présentée par Eastlink
Bluenose Bienvenue: A meet & greet for military families – presented by Eastlink By H&R MFRC On Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) and our friends at 12 Wing Shearwater warmly welcome ALL military members, Veterans, […]
« Avec le courage d'un lion » : Le nouvel insigne du NCSM Frédérick Rolette
‘With the Courage of a Lion’: HMCS Frédérick Rolette’s new badge By RCN A lot of research – and artwork – is behind each official badge created for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The latest one, for HMCS Frédérick Rolette (Canada’s fifth Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS)), was recently finished […]
Le rôle du Bureau de l’engagement des partenaires stratégiques au sein de la Défense nationale
Engaging Canada: The Role of the Stakeholder Engagement Office in National Defence By Capt Matt Zalot & Gabrielle Rivest, Stakeholder Engagement Office – East In a world marked by complexity and unpredictability, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) rely on the expertise of professionals […]
Les premiers gros remorqueurs navals arrivent sur la côte ouest
First Naval Large Tugs arrive on West Coast By Lookout Staff The first two Naval Large Tugs (NLT), Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessels (CFAV) Haro and Barkerville, arrived at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt on July 25. The tugs were unloaded and sent to Point Hope Shipyard in Victoria, where they […]
La MRC fière: La plongée du Matc Orianne-Walker dans le service sous-marin
RCN Proud: MS Orianne-Walker’s dive into submarine service By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum Through much of the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) history, women were not permitted to serve in submarines. However, when the Canadian Armed Forces acquired four Victoria-class submarines in 2001, the more spacious vessels, compared to […]
Défi « Choisissez votre santé » : Félicitations au Cpl Bakes !
Choose Your Health Challenge: Congratulations to Cpl Bakes! By the Health Promotion Team The Choose Your Health Challenge, held from June 1 – July 13, was a six-week initiative designed to promote holistic well-being within our community. The challenge encouraged participants to engage in a wide range of health-promoting […]
Le programme d'innovation de la 12e escadre « favorise » le changement positif
12 Wing Innovation Program “empowering” positive change By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff 12 Wing Shearwater is seeking to harness the creativity of all its members to improve workflow and create positive change. The new 12 Wing Innovation Program focuses on gathering and implementing personnel suggestions on how work at the […]