HMCS Queen Charlotte sailor awarded Rhodes Scholarship for Canada By A/Slt Scott Ferris, HMCS Queen Charlotte Anyone who has served in the Royal Canadian Navy, in the Regular or Reserve Force, will tell you that devotion to duty must be a strong character trait if you are to succeed. Those […]
Activités commémoratives de la bataille de l’Atlantique organisées à l’échelle locale 2024
By CFB Halifax Public Affairs Each year, on the first Sunday of May, people across the country gather to commemorate the Battle of the Atlantic (BOA); the longest continuous battle during the Second World War. Together, we remember the bravery and the sacrifices of the those who fought in the […]
Vivre au « Max »
Living life to the “Max” By Peter Mallet, The Lookout His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Max Bernays, the first Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessel (AOPV) to call the West Coast ‘home’, is on a historic journey. The ship’s arrival in Esquimalt mid-April will mark the first commissioning of a Royal […]
« Teal Up pour les enfants de militaires »
Teal Up for Military Kids By CFB Halifax Public Affairs April is the Month of the Military Child. Throughout April, the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) and other MFRCs across the country are running a campaign called Teal Up for Military Kids to celebrate and thank […]
« Il est difficile de s'ennuyer de la maison quand on a la maison avec soi »
‘It’s hard to miss home when you have home with you’ Siblings deploy together to Operation Horizon with HMCS Montréal By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A pair of sibling sailors are deployed together aboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal as it sails from Halifax to the Indo-Pacific in the […]
Un avocat teste sa condition physique et son adresse au tir lors des Tactical Games
Legal officer tests his fitness and marksmanship at Tactical Games By Nathan Stone, Trident staff The Tactical Games are a series of U.S.-based competitions that blend fitness and marksmanship in an intense challenge of physical and mental endurance – a challenge that one local officer has fully embraced over the […]
Présentation du CalFor
Wendy Swan (2nd from left) introduces TrainSched to junior officers. NAVAL TRAINING GROUP Introducing TrainSched By Naval Training Group “Use it once and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!” enthused Wendy Swan, NTG HQ Scheduler. “That’s the kind of innovation we believe we are introducing to the RCN […]
Appel à candidatures pour les prix sportifs de la FAC 2024
Nominations sought for 2024 CAF Sports Awards By CFMWS The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sports program is preparing to recognize athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and others at the 2024 CAF Sports Awards Ceremony. Nominations are due by May 10, 2024 for the following national awards. Hall of fame The highest […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : Quel est l'intérêt ?
Padre’s Corner: What’s the point? By Lt(N) (Padre) John Evans, Chaplain, Canadian Fleet Atlantic My son was diligently folding his laundry across from me as I prepared some lunch for the family. He rarely complained about doing his chores and this time was no different. However, I could tell that […]
La MRC fière: La famille Cummings laisse sa marque
RCN Proud: The Cummings family leaves its mark By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum James Leo Cummings was born on February 28, 1939 in Marmora, Ont. He joined the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Howe in Peterborough at the age of 12 in 1951, and Jim served with cadets […]