

La MRC fière: Comment Jim Gordon a obtenu le nom « Lucky »

RCN Proud: How Jim Gordon became “Lucky” By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum James Leroy “Lucky” Gordon was born on September 25th, 1944, in London, England. He and his mother, May, emigrated to Canada aboard the RMS Rangitata in 1945.  Landing at Pier 21 in Halifax,  Jim and his […]


Des élèves et des spécialistes de soutien explorent les possibilités de carrière dans le domaine de la lutte contre les incendies à la BFC Halifax

Annapolis Valley students and Student Support Workers explore firefighting careers at CFB Halifax By Kathryn Gatien, CFB Halifax Public Affairs On November 7, 2023, the CFB Halifax Fire Department hosted 14 high school students and four Student Support Workers (SSW) from the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education for a […]


L’Adjointe au médecin du NCSM Windsor relève le défi de la médecine sous-marine

HMCS Windsor “doc” embraces challenge of undersea medicine By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff More than three decades into his military career, one Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) health-care provider has literally taken his job to challenging new depths. And while it may initially seem odd to have an Army Captain filling […]