Turning the wrench on Army modernization By Corporal Brad Upshall, 5th Canadian Division Public Affairs Maintenance backlogs have become commonplace for Vehicle Technicians in the Canadian Armed Forces. With a growing list of demands, sophisticated vehicles and fewer resources, it poses increasing challenges to meet growing operational demands. Enter Master […]
Journées de la famille du MDN : 25 ans de souvenirs
DND Family Days: 25 years of memories By Trident Staff A lot has changed at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax since the introduction of DND Family Days more than a quarter-century ago — there are new buildings, new ships, and plenty of new families who make up Halifax’s large defence […]
Sensibilisation à l'environnement et promotion de la durabilité
Environment Week 2024: Spreading environmental awareness and promoting sustainability By MARLANT Safety and Environment Canada celebrates Environment Week annually during the first week of June, which includes World Environment Day on June 5, Clean Air Day on June 7 and World Ocean Day on June 8. The goal is […]
Le NCSM Oriole fait sensation pendant le week-end de course SailGP
HMCS Oriole makes a splash during SailGP race weekend By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Thousands of sailing enthusiasts who flocked to the Halifax waterfront for an international sailing competition June 1-2 were greeted in part by the crew of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Oriole. Oriole took to the water […]
Les familles se souviennent des marins disparus du NCSM Athabaskan 80 ans après le naufrage
Families remember lost HMCS Athabaskan sailors 80 years after sinking By Sherry Pringle Eighty years have passed since the tragic loss of Canada’s Tribal Class Destroyer, HMCS Athabaskan, sunk off the coast of Brittany, France, with the loss of 128 lives. She and her Tribal sister HMCS Haida, were sent […]
Présentation sur l'histoire des Mi'kmaqs et la réconciliation
Presentation touches on Mi’kmaq history, reconciliation By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff The history of the Mi’kmaq nation was the focus of a presentation to a large crowd at the Juno Tower ballroom at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax on May 23. The event was held to mark Indigenous Awareness Week […]
La campagne de recrutement des plongeurs-démineurs et des GOTM aura lieu le 13 juin
Clearance Diver and NTOG recruitment drive set for June 13 By Trident Staff An upcoming recruitment event is targeting highly motivated and physically fit individuals with interest in two of the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) most specialized roles. The joint Clearance Diver/Naval Tactical Operator drive will take place in the […]
Les barbiers recrutés par les PSP impressionnent lors de la formation au déploiement
PSP Barber recruits impress during deployment training By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A group of 11 barbers spent a full day snipping, shearing and earning accolades at a free haircut event at Canadian Forces Base Halifax. Held on May 9 at Jayda’s Barbershop, the free haircut day event provided 27 […]
Projets futurs et nouvelles capacités à l'ordre du jour du prochain séminaire sur la technologie navale
Future projects, new capabilities up for discussion at upcoming naval tech seminar By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Those interested in the evolving world of naval technology are invited to attend a two-day seminar at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax that will focus on a range of technology-related issues and opportunities […]
Les marins du PEM font partie de la nouvelle génération de plongeurs de bord
NEP sailors among new crop of ship’s divers By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A group of Naval Experience Program participants became the first from the program to graduate from the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) Ship’s Diver course on May 17. The course wrapped up with a small graduation ceremony at […]