CANEX Gives Back volunteer appreciation event By Don MacGillivray, Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre Upbeat, jazzy holiday piano music, intermingled with the murmur of a hundred gathered friends, guests, and of course, honoured volunteers – those were the sounds of the CANEX Gives Back Volunteer Appreciation Night. Volunteers […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
10 façons de pratiquer une activité physique pendant les vacances
10 Ways to squeeze in physical activity during the holidays By the Health Promotion team Park further away Turn that congested parking lot into an opportunity to get in some physical activity. If you’re headed to the mall to do some holiday shopping, avoid those fiercely fought over prime parking […]
Dîner de Noël des Mains au NCSM Scotian
Naval Reservists at HMCS Scotian recently embraced the time-honored naval tradition of the Hands Christmas Dinner, with members of the Division gathering to mark the end of the year and the holiday season with food, music, and the company of their shipmates. The Hands Dinner typically involves some fun switchups, […]
La MRC fière: Du Lincolnshire à Halifax
RCN Proud: From Lincolnshire to Halifax By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum David Russell was born on May 28th, 1929, in Kirton, North Boston, Lincolnshire, England. When he was 14 years old, he served in the British Army Cadet Force during the Second World War from 1942 to 1946. […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : Qu'est-ce qu'un don ?
Padre’s Corner: What is a gift? By LCol Dennis Newhook, Formation Chaplain, MARLANT & JTFA This time of year is filled with a lot of requests for gifts of varying sorts, from monetary, presents and volunteering just to mention a few. We are asked to bring gifts to office events, […]
Message de Noël du commandant des FMAR(A)
Commander MARLANT Christmas Message By Rear-Admiral Josée Kurtz, Commander, Maritime Forces Atlantic and Joint Task Force Atlantic Team, The Holiday season is upon us and as such, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to every member of Maritime Forces Atlantic’s Defence Team, with my sincere hope that we […]
En cette période de fêtes, il est important que les vétérans et leurs familles accordent la priorité à leur bien-être
By Fardous Hosseiny, President and CEO, Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families As we enter the festive period, for many the season is one of joy as they look forward to Family gatherings, travelling and parties. However, for some Veterans and their Families, the season can be a time that […]
Les organisateurs du 27e jour cherchent à développer le tournoi de hockey commémoratif
#27 Day organizers look to grow memorial hockey tournament By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The morning of November 27 was all about the late Sgt (Ret’d) Rob Sneath at 12 Wing Shearwater, as a group gathered to remember his legacy – both in and out of uniform, and on and […]
Les membres des FMAR(A) récompensés
RAdm Josée Kurtz, Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) and Joint Task Force Atlantic, hosted an Honours and Awards ceremony on November 16, recognizing more than 25 members of the formation with awards including the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, the Canadian Joint Operations Command Commendation, Commander MARLANT Commendation, […]
Festival des leçons et des chants de Noël
Padre Capt Mark Kalvaitis and the Canadian Military Wives Choir of Halifax are seen performing as part of the annual Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols holiday event, which was held at St. Brendan’s Chapel, Stadacona on December 3. Local vocalist Adria Jackson and harpist Kathertine Fitch Loza were also […]