Le 25 mai à Halifax, le futur navire canadien de Sa Majesté (NCSM) Frédérick Rolette a été officiellement nommé en l'honneur du héros naval franco-canadien, le premier lieutenant Frédérick Rolette, qui a servi notre pays avec grande distinction tout au long de la guerre de 1812. Cinquième des six navires de la classe Harry DeWolf [...]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Le Vam Andrew Laurence Collier : Une vie de service et de dévouement
VAdm Andrew Laurence Collier: A life of service and devotion By Sabina Kukurudziak, Naval Training Group Monday, June 3 marks what would have been the 100th birthday of Vice-Admiral (VAdm) Andrew Laurence Collier. Remembered as a leader, mentor, and devoted partner, VAdm Collier left a lasting mark on those who […]
La base marque la Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie
On May 17, the Intersex-Inclusive Pride flag was raised at Base HQ and 12 Wing main gate in recognition of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. To further recognize this important day, the Atlantic Defence Team Pride Advisory Organization also hosted a speaker event at Juno Tower, including […]
La MRC et les intervenants communautaires accueillent le NCSM William Hall au sein de la flotte
RCN, community stakeholders welcome HMCS William Hall to the fleet By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) officially welcomed its newest vessel with a display of culture and community on May 16, as naval personnel, shipbuilders, friends, descendants and others marked the Commissioning of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship […]
Plongée dans les Caraïbes pendant l'exercice Tradewinds
Members of Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) recently wrapped up participation in Exercise Tradewinds 2024, which was hosted in Barbados and sponsored by U.S. Southern Command. The multinational exercise featured 1,600 participants from 25 partner nations, including CAF representation from the dive team, medical staff, and HMCS Margaret Brooke, and others. […]
Un nouveau commandant va faire passer le NCSM Ville de Québec de la phase de radoub à la phase de navigation
New CO to take HMCS Ville de Québec from refit to sea By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff The crew of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ville de Québec welcomed their new commanding officer at a ceremony set against the backdrop of the vessel’s ongoing refit work at His Majesty’s Canadian […]
Volume 58, édition 11, 27 mai 2024
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La Commission d’examen des collèges militaires canadiens en visite à Halifax
Canadian Military Colleges Review Board to visit Halifax To all members of Maritime Forces Atlantic and CFB Halifax, Members of the Canadian Military Colleges Review Board (CMCRB) will be visiting Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) bases, wings and formations from 27-31 May, 2024, to engage in a series of site visits, […]
À la recherche des premières défenses d'Halifax au parc RA
Searching for Halifax’s earliest defenses underfoot at RA Park By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A Saint Mary’s University archaeologist is searching for the remains of some of Halifax’s earliest defensive structures in Royal Artillery Park Archaeology and colonialism professor Dr. Jonathan Fowler presented “The Historical Archaeology of Halifax’s Earliest Defenses,” […]
Prendre position contre la violence fondée sur le genre
Sous l'égide du Groupe consultatif des Autochtones de la Défense de l’Atlantique, la Formation Halifax a marqué la journée annuelle de la campagne Moose Hide le 16 mai. La campagne est un mouvement dirigé par des autochtones qui s'est engagé à mettre fin à la violence fondée sur le genre dans les communautés au Canada. La campagne Moose Hide s'appuie sur des cérémonies autochtones et [...]