Auteur : Le journal du Trident

actualités Sport

Le NCSM Oriole fait sensation pendant le week-end de course SailGP

HMCS Oriole makes a splash during SailGP race weekend  By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff  Thousands of sailing enthusiasts who flocked to the Halifax waterfront for an international sailing competition June 1-2 were greeted in part by the crew of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Oriole.  Oriole took to the water […]


Les familles se souviennent des marins disparus du NCSM Athabaskan 80 ans après le naufrage

Families remember lost HMCS Athabaskan sailors 80 years after sinking  By Sherry Pringle Eighty years have passed since the tragic loss of Canada’s Tribal Class Destroyer, HMCS Athabaskan, sunk off the coast of Brittany, France, with the loss of 128 lives.  She and her Tribal sister HMCS Haida, were sent […]


Projets futurs et nouvelles capacités à l'ordre du jour du prochain séminaire sur la technologie navale   

Future projects, new capabilities up for discussion at upcoming naval tech seminar    By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff  Those interested in the evolving world of naval technology are invited to attend a two-day seminar at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax that will focus on a range of technology-related issues and opportunities […]