HMCS Charlottetown to join SNMG2 as flagship By Trident Staff Canada is set to once again take command of a NATO task group in the Mediterranean Sea, with His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown having left Halifax on June 15 to join allies in that region as part of a […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Chronique de l'aumônier : L'espoir sur la peur
Padre’s Corner: Hope over fear By Capt Paul Reimer, Chaplain, HMCS Montréal Padre Capt Reimer is currently on a six-month deployment aboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal on Operation Horizon, Canada’s forward-presence mission to promote peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. As ship’s team divers, there are many […]
Journées de la famille du MDN : Rendre la pareille aux familles des militaires
DND Family Days: Giving back to military families By Trident Staff Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Halifax is all set for the 2024 edition of DND Family Days, an annual event that brings two days of fun, food and prizes to HMC Dockyard as a thank-you to our military families. As […]
Promotions et récompenses aux Maldives
Plusieurs promotions, distinctions et insignes de service en mer ont été remis par le commandant du NCSM Montréal, le capitaine de frégate Travis Bain, alors que le navire se trouvait à proximité de la Grèce et des Maldives en mai. On voit ici le matelot de 1re classe Cobham, deuxième à partir de la gauche, après avoir été promu à son grade actuel. Le Montréal reste déployé [...]
Retour à la maison : L’histoire du rapatriement d’un soldat inconnu de Terre Neuve
Bringing Him Home: the story of the repatriation of an unknown Newfoundland Soldier By Captain Jordan Mitchell, Task Force PAO Operation Distinction On May 25, a delegation of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members flew to Normandy, France as part Operation Distinction to bring home the remains of a Newfoundland Soldier […]
Donner son 110 %: Un nouveau partenariat pour renforcer les capacités de formation
Giving 110%: New partnership boosts training capacity By Naval Training Group Public Affairs “Supply and demand” is a concept often used to understand consumer behaviour. But the model extends beyond economics and can shape a range of management decisions, including those affecting the naval training system. Case in point: Naval […]
L'équipe de hockey des Kraken célèbre une première saison réussie
Kraken hockey team celebrates successful debut season By Trident Staff With their inaugural season now a few months in the rearview mirror, the Halifax Kraken developmental women’s hockey team is reflecting on a successful first year and looking ahead to the future. Formed in 2023, the Kraken aim to provide […]
La modernisation de l’Armée canadienne
Turning the wrench on Army modernization By Corporal Brad Upshall, 5th Canadian Division Public Affairs Maintenance backlogs have become commonplace for Vehicle Technicians in the Canadian Armed Forces. With a growing list of demands, sophisticated vehicles and fewer resources, it poses increasing challenges to meet growing operational demands. Enter Master […]
Journées de la famille du MDN : 25 ans de souvenirs
DND Family Days: 25 years of memories By Trident Staff A lot has changed at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax since the introduction of DND Family Days more than a quarter-century ago — there are new buildings, new ships, and plenty of new families who make up Halifax’s large defence […]
Sensibilisation à l'environnement et promotion de la durabilité
Environment Week 2024: Spreading environmental awareness and promoting sustainability By MARLANT Safety and Environment Canada celebrates Environment Week annually during the first week of June, which includes World Environment Day on June 5, Clean Air Day on June 7 and World Ocean Day on June 8. The goal is […]