Former submariner completes Great Loop in aid of HMCS Sackville By Phil Chard, Leading Writer (ret’d), Royal Navy Supporters of HMCS Sackville gave Steve Chard a special reception when he completed a 10,000 kilometre kayaking challenge to raise funds for one of Canada’s oldest warships. The veteran submariner finished his […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Volume 53, Issue 17, August 26, 2019
Cliquez sur la page de couverture pour voir la publication
CAF Slo-pitch Regionals
CFB Halifax women win slo-pitch gold By Trident Staff The CFB Halifax Mariners women’s slo-pitch team won gold medals on home turf recently, emerging victorious after three days of competition in Eastern Passage. The CAF Atlantic Regional Slo-pitch Championship was held from July 13-16 at Dennis Naugle and Bob Hilchie […]
Using Exercise as Medicine: Lt(N) Dale Molenaar
Using Exercise as Medicine: Lt(N) Dale Molenaar By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2017 and suffering his first relapse from the neurological disease, Lt(N) Dale Molenaar found himself in poor health. His symptoms started with numbness in his arms and legs, and progressed to […]
Self-care event at CFB Halifax
The self-care event held in honour of International Self Care Day, provided insightful information and tips on how we, as human beings, can be more mindful of prioritizing our mental and physical health. The event consisted of a series of workshops about taking care of ourselves in all aspects including exercising self-compassion. […]
CAF Ball Hockey Nationals
Team Atlantic takes silver at Ball Hockey Nationals By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Atlantic Region team recently brought home silver medals from the CAF National Ball Hockey Championship, falling 2-1 to the Quebec Region team from CFB Montreal in the championship game on July 26 at 8-Wing Trenton. The […]
HMCS Shawinigan Change of Command
On July 29, 2019, LCdr Matthew Mitchell (left), incoming Commander HMCS Shawinigan and LCdr Teri Share (right), outgoing Commander HMCS Shawinigan, sign Change of Command certificates while witnessed by Capt(N) Matthew Bowen, Commander Sea Training Group (centre).
12 Wing’s Nijmegen marchers
The Nijmegen team from 12 Wing Shearwater recently completed the annual four-day marches known as Vierdaagse, in the Netherlands, from July 16-19.
Student receives NSNAC Bursary
Brianna Marie Allard of Mount Uniacke, NS, a graduate of Avon View High School in Windsor, NS, is the recipient of the Nova Scotia Naval Association of Canada (NSNAC) 2019 bursary. Dr Guy Chauvin, chair of the NSNAC bursary selection committee, was on hand to present a cheque when Brianna […]
CFB Halifax celebrates Pride
CFB Halifax celebrates Pride Week 2019 CFB Halifax marked Pride Week 2019 with a flag raising ceremony on Thursday July 18, an inclusive prayer service on Friday July 19, and a large contingent of Defence Team personnel and their families, as well as the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian […]