Auteur : Le journal du Trident


La Force des sous-marins canadiens forme les futurs capitaines alliés 

Canadian Submarine Force trains future Allied captains  By Canadian Submarine Force  Naval officers from around the world participated in the Submarine Officer Continuation Training (SOCT) in Halifax from September 5-18.   Canada regularly organizes this type of training to prepare prospective Canadian submarine captains for the Submarine Command Course in Norway […]


Faites connaissance avec la nouvelle matelot-chef de la formation des FMAR(A) et le PMC du Fleet Club Atlantic

Meet MARLANT’s New Formation Master Sailor and PMC Fleet Club Atlantic  By Mona Ghiz, MARLANT Public Affairs  Master Sailor (MS) Morgan Olizarevitch, a native of Thamesford, Ontario, has been appointed Maritime Forces Atlantic’s (MARLANT) Formation Master Sailor (FMS) and President of the Mess Council (PMC) Fleet Club Atlantic. The role of the […]