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The Mighty Maroon Machine commemorates the Battle of Moreuil Wood at A Night in the Trenches
By Capt Jamie Tobin,
5 Cdn Div PAO
It is a common practice of military organizations to commemorate military events both solemnly and with pride. A Night in the Trenches is meant to proudly recognise the service of Canadian soldiers during the First World War.
On Wednesday, March 28, BGen Derek Macaulay (a cavalry officer) and the Royal Artillery Park Officers’ Mess will mark the occasion of the Battle of Moreuil Wood on March 30, 1918. A series of vignettes representing the life of a Canadian soldier in the trenches will be displayed on the grounds of Royal Artillery Park.
Please join the soldiers of the Mighty Maroon Machine and experience the life in the trenches. All members of the CFB Halifax Officers’ Mess are welcome to join in the commemoration. Doors open at 3 p.m. and chow will be served at 5 p.m. Traditional trench stew will be served along with refreshments. Dress for military is CADPAT and dress for civilians is business casual.